What is the LinkedIn Algorithm?

Did you know that 89% of B2B marketers utilize LinkedIn? 

If you find that your posts don’t have much engagement, if you are persistent on LinkedIn, post every day, you will still appear in posts on your contacts LinkedIn feed!

It goes to show you that consistency can be even more important than racking up likes which is something we all think is so important.

How the LinkedIn algorithm works

As far as we can suss out, the LinkedIn algorithm does the following:

  • Prioritizes content from users whom you have engaged with in the past and who post consistently
  • Prioritizes content from users who get large amounts of engagement, even if you don’t tend to like or comment on their posts
  • Favours lengthy comments over a high volume of reactions. Try to get as many comments in the first 2 hours to improve your post’s reach.
  • The more you engage and comment on other people’s posts, the more your posts will be prioritized. So, interact and add value on relevant posts.
  • Prefers native content such as text posts, images with text, and videos with text. Try to rotate between different types of posts. Add in several ‘personal’ posts about learning etc. This is what the audience on LinkedIn loves
  • Prioritize content from personal pages over business pages.  

NEW Updates for 2023

While LinkedIn video is still important in 2023, it’s not like it was when they first allowed users to upload videos. Then, the algorithm was clearly prioritizing any video at the top of the feed. Now, videos have to get good engagement to get prioritized, but they still might have a slight leg up on static content.

In 2023, LinkedIn is continuing a trend that they started in 2019, which is to de-prioritize content from mega influencers and give users a chance to see content from the non-internet-famous people in their network.

Another big LinkedIn update for 2023 is that they now factor in “dwell time” in their algorithm. If your audience spends much time digesting your content, chances are MORE people will get to see it. Try this tactic out by experimenting with lengthy text posts and carousel documents.

Tips for winning on LinkedIn in 2023

Here’s what you can do to get more eyeballs and engagement from LinkedIn:

  • Utilize business owners’ and employees’ profiles instead of just the business page.  
  • Post different types of content: text, images, and video. See what gets the most significant proportion of impact over effort.
  • Stay consistent! This algorithm will definitely downgrade your content if you post randomly. A minimum of 4 times a week seems to be the sweet spot for most, but if you want to really up your game, start posting once per day. Building up your track record is essential.
  • Don’t be afraid to post external links occasionally. Just make sure the rest of your post is optimized for the algorithm and you should be good.
  • Be sure to create content that can spark a conversation. The posts that really do well in LinkedIn’s algorithm garner longer, higher quality comments, not just things like “awesome!” or “nice!”.
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